Omyra Inc.'s fee structure is based on finding or retaining a tenant for 12
months. Most tenants enter the house hunting phase looking for a one year
lease. Most renewals are for one year.
We recognize that it is often in the best interest of our owner clients to
sign longer term leases since vacancy is the most expensive part of owning
rental property.
Multi-year leases require more up front negotiation and coordination on
behalf of Omyra Inc. than the standard 12 month leases. We spend a lot of
time explaining the benefits to tenants and helping them overcome built in
bias towards a 12 month lease. In addition, over the course of a 12 month
lease we make one visit to the property for a routine inspection. The cost
of this inspection is built into the procurement fee. In a multi-year lease,
we make multiple visits to perform annual inspections.
We charge a fee for this time and effort. We don't charge a higher
procurement fee up front because we feel the up-front cash outlay is already
a challenge for some clients. Instead we charge a fee on the anniversary
date of the lease. This fee is detailed in your management agreement.
This additional time and effort is very beneficial to our owner clients.
Vacancy is eliminated for the duration of the lease. On average, an owner
saves 26.5% in procurement fees when signing a three year lease. This figure
takes the annual renewal fee into account.
We have been in business under two names since 2010 and we have never raised
the fees we charge our owners. We believe that we provide exemplary service
at very affordable rates. We hope that you agree.